Beggar Zelensky is Asking For $375 MILLION of Your Tax Dollars 
Back in April, Speaker Johnson announced that the House would consider Ukraine aid following the Easter recess. Now, once again, there are considerations to increase aid ahead of winter. This time, a $375 million arms aid package is being discussed, including an unspecified number of AGM-154 glide munitions for Ukraine's F-16s.
Last year, Congress attempted to pass a $105 billion aid package for Israel and Ukraine. In addition to military assistance, it included $125 million in security assistance from Department of Defense inventories to meet Ukraine’s immediate battlefield needs, along with $300 million in Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) funds to strengthen Ukraine’s air defenses, during this time, the Department of Defense also announced additional security assistance to Ukraine, totaling $100 million. The package for Israel and Ukraine was separate from these amounts, yet still worth $106 million, with $14 million for Israel and Palestine, $60 million for Ukraine, and $32 million promised to other Indo-Pacific allies.
The fact that Congress is even considering sending more money to Ukraine after already sending billions is an insult to Americans and must be stopped immediately. Do NOT send any more aid to Ukraine!