President Trump is trying to hold firm on his border wall and border security demands. But members of the Republican Party are already starting to splinter off and give up on the border security fight.

Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) is pressing for Republicans to give up on the border wall fight now and just re-open the Federal government without getting anything.

"I think we should pass a continuing resolution to get the government back open," Gardner said in an interview yesterday. "The Senate has done it last Congress, we should do it again today."

Gardner doesn't believe that protecting the American people from the drugs and crime streaming across the border is worth it.

Pelosi pushed a bill through the House of Representatives yesterday that would do just that. It funds every aspect of government except the border wall project.

Before the House vote had even concluded, Gardner was demanding that the Senate take the bill up too.

Democrats need to just peel away four GOP Senators and they can block President Trump's border wall project. With Gardner's announcement, they're closer than ever before!

Stop the Republicans from surrendering on the border wall! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress now and DEMAND full border wall funding, or else!

President Trump is in this to win. Yesterday, he held a surprise press conference from the White House briefing room, surrounded by Border Patrol officials. We are also hearing that the President is preparing to make a Oval Office address to the country.

But Democrats know they don't need flip Trump. They just need to pick away at his support in Congress.

When Pelosi held the vote on bill to block the border wall yesterday, EIGHT Republican Congressmen voted with the Left. With Cory Gardner coming out in the Senate, the Democrats smell blood in the water. Now, we're hearing that Mitt Romney is also discussing options with the Left to end the shutdown and block the wall.

Lindsey Graham said something on television the other day that was exactly right. If Republicans cave on the border wall, it will be the end of the party. They'll never win another election.

It is up to YOU to hold their feet to the fire and threaten just that!

Stop the Republicans from surrendering on the border wall! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress now and DEMAND full border wall funding, or else they will be kicked out of office!

We are one day into the new Congress and we're already seeing the cowards in the GOP trying to give up on the border wall.

Yesterday, we made a massive update to our FaxBlast system to make sure that every FaxBlast that gets sent goes to the correct Congressman or Senator, at the right number, and to the right office. We are up and fully operational, and without a minute to lose.

This surrender push is happening right now. Whether you like it or not, the fight has now reached your doorstep.

Do not let the GOP cave on the border wall!

Stop the Republicans from surrendering on the border wall! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress now and DEMAND full border wall funding, or else!

Joe Otto

Conservative Daily