Breaking: GOP leaders are going to let the biggest Pro-Gun bill ever die!

This is absolutely shameful. Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and the Presidency for two years and there wasn't a single pro-gun piece of legislation pushed through.

Not. One.

Every single time that it looked like a bill was ready to pass, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell intervened to halt the legislation in its tracks.

The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would have granted nationwide carry rights to anyone licensed or permitted to carry a firearm in one state. Right now, it is impossible for any non-law enforcement civilian to bear arms in all 50 states. The 2nd Amendment protects a right to bear arms in public for self defense, but it is currently impossible to do that nationwide.

This bill would force states to honor other states' carry permits. But more importantly, the legislation opens the door for people living in anti-gun states to finally be able to carry firearms too!

Democrats are set to take over in just a matter of days, but the GOP leadership is just going to let the biggest pro-gun bill in American history die...

 Don't let the GOP kill the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act! Send your instant and urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND they pass the bill and send it to Trump's desk!

A quarter of all Americans live in anti-gun states like New Jersey, California, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Hawaii that refuse to issue their residents carry permits. The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would change that forever. Not only would existing carry permit holders be able to exercise their right to bear arms in all 50 states, but the law-abiding Americans living behind the gun control iron curtain would finally have a path to carry!

They would be able to bypass their home state entirely and use non-resident permits issued by Utah or Florida to carry nationwide... including in their home state.

This is the biggest civil rights bill to come along in a generation, and the GOP just wants to let it die!

Last year, Paul Ryan refused to add the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act to the budget. Instead, he slipped in new background check requirements to get Democrats to pass his liberal budget.

But now, with Congress poised to pass yet another spending package to re-open the government, we have one final chance to push this through!

 Don't let the GOP kill the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act! Send your instant and urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND they pass the bill and send it to Trump's desk!

We are so close to making this dream a reality and restoring this civil right to the country. But if Congress does not put the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act onto President Trump's desk by the end of the week, the bill will die.

We are calling on both the House and the Senate to do everything in their power to push this legislation across the finish line. A test vote in the House revealed a bipartisan majority backed the legislation. However, neither Paul Ryan nor Mitch McConnell are willing to do whatever is necessary to send it to the President's desk.

We spoke directly with GOP leaders last spring and they promised that we would see a vote on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act by the end of the year. All of a sudden, our contacts have gone completely silent.

They are hoping that you forget about their 2nd Amendment promises!

Paul Ryan has the votes to add it to whatever appropriations bill he wants. It hasn't happened because Paul Ryan doesn't actually want concealed carry reciprocity to pass. Mitch McConnell could push it through right now with multiple Democrat votes, but he is more interested in preserving the Senate rules than restoring tens of millions of Americans' rights.

Right now, it is impossible for any civilian to exercise their right to bear arms in all 50 states. Congress has given police and retired police the right to carry nationwide, but the best any civilian can do is approximately 40 states of reciprocity. And that is only if they happen to live in a state that issues concealed weapons permits. More than a quarter of all Americans live in states that refuse to do even that.

The GOP is trying to run for the exits. In just days, Democrats take over and they are promising to push nothing but new gun control.

It is literally now or never!

 Don't let the GOP kill the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act! Send your instant and urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND they pass the bill and send it to Trump's desk!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily