This is a red alert. Democrats take over the House of Representatives in just four days. Leading Democrats have already announced that they are introducing a bill to end the government shutdown without funding the border wall project... and they say they have enough GOP votes to do it!

We are even hearing word that there may be enough Republican defections in the House to override a Presidential veto!

With Democrats firmly in control of the House of Representatives, that means that they need just a four Republican Senators to vote to pass their bill. And they are confident that they have them!

This is coming down to the wire. President Trump is doing everything he can to hold the line, but it is up to YOU to force Congress to stand their ground on the border wall!

Stop the Left from killing the border wall project! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to fully fund the border wall and stop the Democrats from putting more Americans in danger!

We have had to endure so much from the spineless Republican leadership. They were fully prepared to completely punt on the Border Wall when Trump smacked them down with his wall funding demand. 

The establishment has never wanted border security. Paul Ryan promised that he would stand against President Trump and he lived up to his word. In two years, the administration was only able to approve a few dozen miles of new border fencing.

Now that President Trump is digging in his heels to demand the full funding, the Republican rats are fleeing. 

Believe it or not, it isn't the usual cast of characters. Lindsey Graham-nesty is usually first in line to cave on border security spending. He just sent Nancy Pelosi a letter informing her that he will do everything in his power to stop the left's open border legislation from passing.

Senator Graham didn't find his backbone on his own. Ever since the Kavanaugh hearings, it was brave patriots like YOU who forced him to hold the line on these issues.

I spoke with a Congressman just before Christmas and he told me that he and his wife can't even go to the store for a gallon of milk without getting stopped by constituents demanding the border wall. Make no mistake: you have the power to stop the Left's open border plan.

But only if you rise up right now!

Don't let Pelosi and the Democrats push this through! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to fully fund the border wall and stop the Democrats from putting more Americans in danger!

We just learned today that the illegal alien accused of killing California Police Officer Ronil Singh entered the United States illegally at the open border in Arizona.

This legal immigrant and law enforcement officer is dead because past Congresses were too cowardly to secure the border. 

You cannot allow this Congress to make the same mistake! You cannot let spineless Republicans team up with the Left to keep the border wide open!

Democrats are introducing their bill to block the border wall the minute they take over Congress.

You must rise up to stop them before it's too late! Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE them to fully fund the border wall and stop the Democrats from putting more Americans in danger!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily