Fellow Conservative,

I want to tell you the story of Marine Reserves Major Jason Brezler. He stands to be dishonorably discharged because he warned his fellow marines about the danger that a local Afghan Police Chief – Sarwan Jan – posed to soldiers in the area.

While in the service, Major Brezler helped create a report on Jan and found that he was a known drug and weapons trafficker and “systemic child rapist.” The Afghan would repeatedly bring children as young as 10-years old onto the base. Amazingly, the Provincial Governor actually removed Jan from his post.

When Jason Brezler left Afghanistan and moved to New York City, one of his fellow Marines emailed him. He had come into contact with Jan and wanted to know his back story. Without even thinking, Major Brezler emailed him the classified report. Realizing the mistake he had made, Jason turned himself in to be reprimanded.

Two weeks later, he learned that Sarwan Jan had received a command on another US Military base and that one of his child sex slaves had used an AK-47 to murder three Marines.

What Major Jason Brezler did was illegal; there is no doubt about that. But it was also the right thing to do and his actions revealed the fact that the US Military did nothing with the intelligence he originally gave them. Sarwan Jan was still allowed to work on a US base and he was still allowed to use the base for child sex trafficking. Brezler now faces being dishonorably discharged from the military, all for trying to warn his brothers in arms of a legitimate threat that higher-ups chose to bury.

Don’t let the administration ruin this Bronze Star recipient’s life! Demand that Congress intervene and stop this witch hunt!

Fast forward to today. The State Department just announced that Hillary Clinton’s emails contained at least 305 classified emails. These were sent and received on a unsecure personal email server as well.

Except, instead of warning soldiers about a threat to their lives, Hillary Clinton exposed spy satellite imagery and classified information about our drone programs to foreign hackers.

He’s fighting for his life and she is fighting to hide it from the public just long enough to become the next President.

Here at Conservative Daily, we take serious issue when soldiers are mistreated. Last year, there was a judge in Washington State that threatened to take a Sailor’s child away when he wouldn’t appear in court for the custody hearing. Only problem? He was aboard a nuclear submarine. With your help, we raised our voices and got a congressman’s attention. The next day, the judge backed down.

I am not going to weigh one case against the other. I am only trying to illustrate that when soldiers face injustice, YOU do have the power to help affect the outcome.

This Marine is being dragged through the mud for exposing the fact that intelligence was ignored and as a result, three marines are dead. While the Obama administration refuses to prosecute Hillary Clinton for exposing hundreds of classified documents to our enemies, the administration is throwing the book at a Marine who shared three classified documents with one of our own.

If you see the hypocrisy here, then I urge you… no, I beg you to use the link below to sign our petition and FaxBlast all 535 members of Congress demanding the witch hunt against this Bronze Star recipient end immediately!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily