Fellow Conservative,

Last night’s State of the Union was relatively tame. Sure, President Obama took the usual jabs at Republicans. But things like gun control, for example, were barely even mentioned.

In previous years, the President used the State of the Union to push for his agenda items. He has used the speech in the past to promise executive action to circumvent Congress.

He didn’t do any of that last night.

No, he hasn’t given up. This is just the calm before the storm.

Not even a day after the speech, Obama’s Chief of Staff let it slip that 2016 would be a year of “audacious executive action.” He was caught bragging to reporters.

Last year, Barack Obama used an executive order to illegally legalize millions of illegal aliens. He used an executive order to mandate gun confiscations and rewrite our gun laws. Now, the White House has promised that 2016 will be even worse!

Don’t let Obama drag this country towards tyranny. Demand that Congress use every tool at their disposal to stop him! Yes, that includes impeachment!

Our forefathers fought a war of independence to overthrow a tyrannical king. King George literally believed that he owned the colonies and the colonists. The King, like Obama, ruled largely by executive fiat.

But something that many people don’t understand is that only 3% of the American colonists actually took up arms against the Crown. That’s it.

A whopping 97% of the colonists were willing to sit back and stay quiet while a repressive regime ruled over them.

Today, it’s not much different. Barack Obama announces that he would be confiscating guns from Social Security Beneficiaries and something like 67% of the population says they support it.

There is a huge portion of our society celebrating these unconstitutional executive orders. There always will be people too foolish to notice their liberty slipping away.

If you’re waiting for someone else to take this country back, you’re going to be waiting a long time. Like the colonists who won our independence, you are a part of the Three Percent. You are one of the few.

Barack Obama has promised even more unconstitutional executive orders this coming year. He is daring the American people to stop him. The founders gave Congress two mechanisms to stop executive tyranny: the budget and impeachment. They've already surrendered and passed the 2016 budget, so that really only leaves us only one tool, doesn't it?

This isn't about politics, this is about ensuring the survival of the Republic. If you won’t rise up right now, who will?

Yes, impeachment is on the table! Force Congress to STOP Obama’s lawlessness by any means necessary!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily
