The “Gang of 8” in the United States Senate, evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, have reached a final “deal” on the Immigration Reform Bill. 

It is slated to be the most comprehensive immigration changes presented in the past one-quarter century.  President Obama has made immigration reform his “top priority” (after gun control).

11 million illegal immigrants are expected to receive amnesty!  It is “common knowledge” that most of these will vote Democratic.

The Gang of 8 has just concluded several months of closed-door negotiations.  Obviously, an agreement has been reached.  U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pronounced: “All issues that rise to the member level have been dealt with.  All that is left is the drafting.”

Amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants---NO, NOT SO FAST!

  Fax Congress NOW!

This historic legislation would overhaul legal immigrant programs, eventually require all employers to the national E-Verify system to verify the legal status of their workers, bolster border security and put the 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally on a PATH TO CITIZENSHIP!

This is not right.  This is totally unfair to those legal immigrants who have properly filled out their legal paperwork and have waited for sometimes years to become a U.S. citizen!

According to the Associated Press, “The bill is expected to provide a 13-year path to citizenship for people living here illegally.  Only after a new southern border security plan is in place, employers have adopted mandatory electronic verification of their workers’ legal status and a new electronic entry-exit system is operating at airports and seaports for tracking holders of temporary visas.

“It would call for surveillance of 100 percent of the U.S. border with Mexico and apprehension of 90 percent of people trying to cross in certain high-risk areas.  Six months from enactment, people living in the U.S. illegally could apply for a provisional legal status, as long as the Department of Homeland Security has developed new plans for border security.”

How laughable is that statement—“100 percent” surveillance of the U.S.-Mexican border.  Even worse, President Obama would be in charge of implementation.  These lofty goals sound good, but the realities are unbelievable!  Border enforcement has never been one of President Obama’s or Attorney General Eric Holder’s strong suits!

This very delicate compromise lacks in specific measurements for our southern border.  It provides at least $3 billion for Homeland Security officials to meet these altruistic goals during the first five years, with a POSSIBILITY of additional financing!  The realities of a 100% border security tell us that maybe the “Gang of 8” need a genuine REALITY CHECK!

Many in Congress think like we do:  They are OPPOSED to citizenship for immigrants who have been living in the U.S. illegally!

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is the “kingpin” in this legislation.  He has requested numerous hearings to get a “national consensus” on immigration.  Despite Rubio’s request for multiple hearings, U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, Committee Chairman for the Judiciary, said there would be only ONE hearing, like his boss requested!

For something this important that affects all of us and our entire economy, how can we let a Committee Chairman hold only one hearing to rush this to the floor in May?  Whatever happened to an open and transparent debate on immigration?


U. S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote: “I respectfully suggest that such a process must begin with a careful examination in the Committee including: hearings that explore multiple perspectives on the scope of the problems we face and the efficacy of the solutions we propose, markups in which a broad range of amendments can be considered, and a robust floor debate.”

However, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) suspects an even more sinister reason for the rush to pass supposed “immigration reform.”  Cruz suspects that President Obama is pressing an unreasonable deadline because he wants the bill to fail, so he can use it as a wedge issue against Republicans in the next two elections!

Whatever happens or does not happen, President Obama and his minions will blame Republicans just in time for the election to point the finger that “not enough is being done” to help illegals.

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Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., complained that the bill will ensure that millions get amnesty but border enforcement never happens.

"This is also why it is so troubling that (Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.) has rejected the GOP request for multiple hearings and that members of the Gang of Eight have publicly announced their intention to oppose any amendments," Sessions said in a statement. "To proceed along these lines is tantamount to an admission that the bill is not workable and will not withstand public scrutiny."

Why does President Obama want to rush this bill through Congress?  Realizing this is a very controversial issue, it involves the fate of Border security guards and 11,000,000+

“illegal immigrants”. 

Obama has said that passing immigration reform would show “political courage.”  However, the last time we rushed to judgment under the name of “political courage” produced Obamacare, the worst piece of legislation in recent memory!

Incidentally,” “Republican Senate Budget Committee staffers estimate that covering illegal aliens could RAISE the cost of Obamacare by $120 billion to $200 BILLION in its first decade,” writes noted columnist Michelle Malkin!

Democrats are trying to push through this Amnesty bill with hardly any dialogue from Congress, much less YOU!  We need open and transparent debate on this subject, just like any other subject.  That’s why are faxes right now are so important!

Fax Congress NOW!


Tony Adkins
