Fellow Conservative,

This email is going to be short and to the point. Earlier this week, we overwhelmed Congress with thousands and thousands of faxes demanding that they defund and put a stop to Obama’s amnesty plan.

The American people have a simple demand: put an end to Obama’s lawless amnesty executive order by any means necessary.

There is wide bipartisan support in Congress to act on this. But John Boehner and the rest of the GOP leadership are too afraid to do anything.

Boehner has admitted that he has no plans to use the power of the purse to defund Obama’s amnesty and we know that he is too afraid to begin impeachment proceedings. But now we are learning of an even more despicable plan…

Even if Congress was to put an end to Obama’s amnesty executive actions, we’re learning that GOP leaders plan to introduce a bill next year that would give Obama everything he wants anyway!

Tell Congress that the way to stop Obama’s lawlessness is NOT just to surrender and give him what he wants!

It really is this simple. Obama wasn’t getting what he wanted, when he wanted it (amnesty)… so, he took out his pen and used an executive order/action to rewrite the law.

The solution to this lawlessness is for Congress to put a stop to it! But instead, GOP leaders want to simply codify Obama’s demands into the law.

If the GOP doesn’t defund this executive amnesty now, they will only serve to embolden Obama and other future presidents to use executive orders to circumvent Congress to get what they want.

For goodness sake… Homeland Security has already begun hiring a thousand new government employees whose sole job will be to implement Obama’s lawless amnesty.

This is happening right now! Congress can put a stop to this immediately by simply putting a provision in the next budget that says “no federal funds can be allocated towards paying employees to implement Barack Obama’s amnesty executive actions.”

That single sentence could get it done. But the GOP won’t insert that sentence into any legislation. While leaders like John Boehner pretend to despise Obama’s amnesty executive order, in their hearts they are only upset the President didn’t let them grant amnesty first!

This is causing a serious battle in the Republican party to the point that John Boehner is actually negotiating with Nancy Pelosi to fund Obama’s amnesty without any support from Conservatives.

This is unacceptable! Boehner’s arrogance is truly stunning. We aren’t asking Congress to do anything more than what they promised to do: stop amnesty for illegal aliens.

It is up to us – the citizen defenders of the Republic – to make sure that Congress makes due on its promise!

The GOP is about to cave-in to Obama’s amnesty demands! Force your Congressmen and Senators to hold the line!

All we hear from both sides of the aisle is that our immigration system is “broken.”

The only thing broken about it is that we have a President who refuses to enforce it and a Congress to afraid to hold Obama accountable!

Limiting the number of unskilled immigrants coming to this country isn’t racist and it doesn’t reflect a broken immigration system… it makes complete logical sense.

But the GOP is about to cave… they’re about to give up and surrender to Obama and the Democrats. The Department of Homeland Security is already hiring over a thousand new employees to process amnesty paperwork. We are getting closer to the point of no return.

Once the administration starts processing amnesty paperwork, it will be that much harder to stop this scheme!

It is up to YOU to raise your voice now and stop them. That’s the only way we will ever win. We need to be louder than our opponents!

Republicans have said that the constant barrage from pro-amnesty demonstrators last year has finally worn them down. I’m not asking you to stand in the cold outside their campaign headquarters. All I am asking is that you stay the course and continue to hammer Congress!

If you won’t raise your voice, who will? Take a stand and DEMAND that Obama’s amnesty plan be stopped immediately!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily