Fellow Conservative,

I feel sick to my stomach. Congress is poised to pass a new Defense Authorization bill. This is a piece of legislation that funds our military for the next fiscal year.

The Defense Authorization bill deals with everything from funding the War in Afghanistan to developing future weapons to paying retirement benefits to our veterans.

There’s no doubt that we need to cut back in our spending across the board. But I am sick to my stomach right now because Congress is about to cut our military veterans’ benefits again!

The Democrats and Republicans are hailing this as a “compromise.” Well, for it to be a compromise, that means there are individuals in Congress who actually pushed for this!

Congress is about to cut our troops’ pay, slash their housing benefits, and increase their out of pocket healthcare payments.

But do you know who doesn’t have to worry about benefits cuts? Illegal aliens.

While Congress is poised to cut the benefits our troops and veterans receive, illegal aliens who become ‘legalized’ under Obama’s amnesty will automatically become eligible for Medicare and social security when they come of age.

This is absolutely ridiculous! It is unacceptable for Congress to cut our military’s pay and benefits!

Congress is about to cut the military’s pay and benefits for the second year in a row. You need to raise your voice and stop this!

This is absolutely making my blood boil. The founding fathers are rolling around in their graves right now…

Here we have men and women who served and continue to serve their country and Congress wants to cut their pay and benefits.

Meanwhile, illegal aliens who broke our laws and have never paid a dime of taxes are going to become eligible for Medicare and Social Security thanks to Obama’s amnesty. And Congress isn’t doing anything about it.

This isn’t the America I grew up in…

Ask yourself: is this the America you grew up in? Is this the America you want your children or grand children to grow up in?

An America where elected politicians would rather cut our veterans’ pay and benefits than enforce the law against invading foreigners…?

This might not be the America you and I grew up in, but that doesn’t mean it has to continue this fall from grace.

We can take a stand. Last year, Congress tried to balance the budget on the backs of our veterans. Thousands of brave patriots like you answered the call and DEMANDED that Congress fix it and restore our military’s pay and benefits.

But it shouldn’t have to come to this. We shouldn’t have to wait for Congress to cut military benefits before we intervene. We shouldn’t have to live in a world where paying our military what they deserve is nothing but a bargaining chip.

Our military soldiers and veterans are having their benefits slashed while illegal aliens are gaining access to Medicare and Social Security. Demand that Congress stop this madness!

The men and women who served in our Armed Forces shouldn’t have to deal with this. They aren’t just pawns in some politician’s game.

What is going on is shameful. As it is, Congress should NEVER try to balance the budget on the backs of our soldiers. But what makes it even worse is that while our veterans and soldiers are going to be paying more out of pocket for medical care, elderly illegal aliens will now be able to gain access to Medicare.

This ends NOW! We have to put our foot down and put a stop to this absolute madness before it is too late!

Congress is about to cut the military’s pay and benefits for the second year in a row. You need to raise your voice and stop this!

Your brother in arms,

Joe Otto

Conservative Daily