Dear Conservative,

You’ve heard me say it before… there is absolutely no reason why people shouldn’t be required to show a photo ID in order to vote! It has become virtually impossible to function in our society without first obtaining at least some form of photo ID.

You need a photo ID in order to drive, in order to get on an airplane, in order to buy or rent a house or apartment, and you need one in order to receive benefits from one of the many government entitlement programs. Yet, for some reason, Democrats claim that asking someone to verify their identity before voting is “racist.”

Well, as you may remember, the Supreme Court ruled last year in Arizona vs. Intertribal Council of Arizona that while Arizona had a right to set its own voter requirements, it was pre-empted by the National Voter Registration Act. The Court, however, prescribed ways to get around the National Voter Registration Act, and that is what these two states did!

Asking for Voter ID is not a crime! Tell Congress to protect the sanctity of our elections and STOP the Eric Holder from attacking states’ voter ID laws!

The Supreme Court may have struck down parts of Arizona’s voter ID law last year, but Kansas developed its own voter ID requirement in response to the Court’s ruling. In Intertribal, the Supreme Court made two rulings. First, the federal government has the complete power to set the manner of conducting federal elections. But the court also ruled that states have the power to set voter qualifications, and suggested that Congress cannot set a manner for voting in federal elections which eliminated the states’ ability to confirm that voters meet the state’s voter qualifications.

The Court suggested that Arizona file a new lawsuit against the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and that is exactly what happened…

In the new case, Kobach vs. U.S. Election Assistance Commission, U.S. District Judge Eric Melgren ruled that the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) had no legal authority to deny requests from Kansas and Arizona to add their citizenship requirement provision to the national voter registration form.

The national form only required people to swear that they were U.S. citizens. As you can imagine, this system was rife with abuse. The U.S. District Court has ruled that not only do states like Kansas and Arizona have a right to require a voter ID to register to vote, but the EAC must assist them by adding these requirements to the national voter registration form.

This is huge! This is an issue of states’ rights. The Constitution gives the states the authority to set election laws and regulations, and Judge Melgren has ruled that the National Voter Registration Act does not pre-empt this fundamental state right.

At first glance, last year’s Supreme Court ruling seemed like a death sentence for Voter ID laws across the country. However, now that a District Court has ruled in favor of allowing states’ to set their own requirements and ordered the Federal government to assist in this matter, the sky truly is the limit!

Even with these clear court rulings, the Obama Justice Department is still going after states which are trying to restrict illegal aliens from voting. They claim that requiring someone to show a Photo ID before voting is racist because… apparently minorities don’t have IDs? The Democrats claim that Voter ID laws disenfranchise the poor and the elderly as well, but they neglect to mention that in order to receive benefits from entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps and Unemployment Insurance, individuals MUST show a valid photo ID!

Asking for Voter ID is not a crime! Tell Congress to protect the sanctity of our elections and STOP the Eric Holder from attacking states’ Voter ID laws!

You need a photo ID in order to rent/buy a house, in order to get a job, and in order to drive. Twenty-four states also have some form of “stop and identify” laws, where residents must identify themselves if stopped by law enforcement. Failure to identify yourself to police in half of the country will land you in jail!

Barack Obama loves to say that “elections have consequences,” something he will surely learn the hard way this November. But, it is important to remember this fact in the context of voter ID requirements.

Currently, you must show a photo ID and pass a background check in order to purchase a firearm from a licensed firearm dealer. That is because Congress has decided to infringe on our Second Amendment rights in an attempt to preserve public safety. The fact of the matter is that the Courts have unfortunately ruled that it is well within Congress and the States’ rights to limit Constitutional freedoms for public safety reasons.

So, why not do the same for an election? Elections might not appear to be as dangerous as a firearm, but think about it… Every November, we elect people who, when they arrive in Washington, D.C., will have some say in whether the United States goes to war. The President controls our country’s nuclear launch codes. If you want to buy a .22 caliber rifle, you would have to pay for a background check because the government wants to make sure you will not hurt yourself or others with that weapon. However, you could turn around and vote for the President of the United States, arguably the most powerful person in the world, without so much as showing a photo ID.

Obtaining a photo ID isn’t hard or complicated, and most voter ID states provide the service free of charge to the elderly and low-income communities. But, if you can’t figure out how to get a photo ID, I don’t want you voting. I don’t want you to have a say in whether our nuclear missiles stay in their silos or not. I don’t want undocumented individuals to have a say in influencing our domestic and fiscal policies that continue to bankrupt this country.

Yes, voting in the United States is a right… but it is also a responsibility. We have a responsibility to protect the sanctity of the vote because the consequences of elections could literally be apocalyptic. I have no idea when we will recover from the Obama presidency. But rest assured, we will recover! In order to do this, however, we need to crack down on voter fraud that helps candidates like Barack Obama win precincts with over 100% of the vote!

Asking for Voter ID is not a crime! Tell Congress to protect the sanctity of our elections and STOP the Eric Holder from attacking states’ Voter ID laws!

There is nothing racist or bigoted about asking someone to identify themselves before casting ballots to elect the most powerful people in the world. And the truth is, voter turnout has actually increased predominantly Hispanic counties in Texas ever since a photo ID became required to vote.

Requiring voters to show some form of identification is so common-sense that I can’t believe we actually are having this debate. Make no mistake… the powers that be in the Obama administration are conspiring to continue their lawsuits against states’ voter ID requirements. The Federal government is actually trying to make it easier for non-citizens to vote!

Eric Holder and the Democrats apparently didn’t seem to get the message. They are moving full steam ahead with their lawsuits against states that are trying to protect the sanctity of the election. In response to these rulings, Eric Holder has just announced that his Department will expand the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act to go after states that require Voter ID! The Left is trying to relax voting requirements in order to empower illegal aliens to vote for them!

Do you believe that the vote should be protected and that illegal aliens should have nothing to do with our elections? It is your constitutional duty as a citizen to protect this country (and its electoral system) from all enemies, foreign and domestic. We must protect the sanctity of the vote and that requires us to stop scum like Eric Holder from trying to give voting rights to illegal aliens!

Asking for Voter ID is not a crime! Tell Congress to protect the sanctity of our elections and STOP the Eric Holder from attacking states’ Voter ID laws!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily