Fellow Conservative,

The case against Planned Parenthood is growing. A number of undercover videos have exposed Planned Parenthood (PP) executives and doctors clearly breaking the law by harvesting and selling the body parts and organs of aborted babies.

The law is clear: the babies cannot be sold for a profit, the abortion procedure cannot be altered in any way to facilitate organ harvesting, and there must be consent from the mother,

It's been proven that Planned Parenthood is making money on this. I'm not even talking about the PP executive who joked about being able to buy a lamborghini from the profits. Fetal livers are being sold on the open market for thousands of dollars. StemExpress, a Planned Parenthood affiliate, has an unborn child's liver for sale for upwards of $24,000. Under the law, the price can only be to cover the cost of refrigeration, shipping and handling, and other related costs. We're talking about an organ smaller than a kidney bean. It costs $24,000 to store and ship it? No, they're just cashing out.

The law says that abortion procedures cannot be altered in any way just to get more "tissue" donations. On multiple videos, PP execs and doctors admit that they refrain from using feticides when they are looking to harvest organs. That means that the baby is still alive, and writhing in pain, when he or she is dismembered in the womb. All in the pursuit of more revenue.

And lastly, the law says that the mothers must consent to the "tissue donation." Believe it or not, Planned Parenthood is also breaking this part of the law and selling baby body parts without parental consent!

Planned Parenthood sells baby parts without a mother's consent? How the hell hasn't Congress defunded this yet? Raise your voice and demand that NO taxpayer money be sent to any abortion providers!

No, this is not a joke. The latest video released features a former-abortion technician who admits that almost all pregnancy procedures (ultrasounds, abortions, etc) were done through the lens of harvesting fetal organs.

Holly O'Donnell, a former-StemExpress technician, recounts how Planned Parenthood doctors would take fetal tissue regardless of whether the mother consented.

"If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don't know. And there's no way they could know."

Let that statement sink in. 

There are laws in place to stop abortion providers from taking advantage of women like this.

Planned Parenthood just couldn't help itself. Even when mothers didn't consent to their child being diced up and sold for parts, Planned Parenthood saw dollar signs and harvested the organs anyway. They performed the abortions and then rushed to the backroom to sell the parts to the highest bidder.

I believe that womens' health care should be funded at the federal level, but not through Planned Parenthood. As much good as PP does on the health side of the company, the abortion side offsets any good they're doing.

Federal law prohibits taxpayer money from being funnelled into Planned Parenthood's abortion side of the business. Every cent that goes to the healthcare side means that other funding can be reallocated to abortions. And at the end of the year, Planned Parenthood has enough money left over to donate to Democrat politicians. Not exactly an organization strapped for cash...

There are a number of bills that were introduced to put a stop to this. One such bill is HR 217, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act. This legislation is simple. The funding level for womens' health won't change at all. The only thing will change is that family planning funding will only go to health centers that don't provide abortions. There are countless bills just like this that are languishing in committee.

Common sense, right?

 Planned Parenthood sells baby parts without a mother's consent? How the hell hasn't Congress defunded this yet? Raise your voice and demand that NO taxpayer money be sent to any abortion providers!

The legislation has been filed in both the Senate and the House. This fight isn't over. You can't allow it to be over.

This has gone way too far.

Taxpayer money is going to an organization clearly violating the law and that has to STOP!

Don't let this issue fall from the headlines. Demand that Congress defund abortion providers!

The tide is turning against these butcher shops. Demand that Congress finish the job and defund abortion providers!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily