We have been fielding email responses from last year's Christmas message for months after it was sent. We have gotten such a huge response that we feel the need to send it again now that our community has grown. We hope that this message finds you well. If you feel that this message is valuable, please consider forwarding it to friends and loved ones.


Tomorrow is Christmas, a day meant to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. In recent decades, this holy day has been commercialized and transformed into one of the busiest shopping times of the year.

But that isn’t what Christmas is about. Christmas is about remembering that 2000 years ago, a baby was born to redeem us all.

Christ came for all men and women. It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, big or small, black or white… the King of Kings doesn’t care about your class, race, or ethnicity… 

He came to this earth to save each and every one of us; to forgive our sins and guide us down the path towards salvation.

There are times when we fall; times when fail to live up to the teachings that Jesus left us.

But even in our darkest hours, Christmas serves as a reminder that no man is beyond saving. The Lord gives up on no one. This Christmas, I ask that you do the same.

If you’re feuding with a family member, pick up the phone and tell them that you love them…

If you are in an argument with a friend or neighbor and not speaking to one another, be the one to break the silence…

If you have a family member that is a Democrat, tell them you forgive them…

We are on this earthly plane for such a short time. Far too often, we allow silly things to get in the way of sharing these blessed moments with the people we care about.

On December 26th, we will be back at it, working to take this country back.

But on this holiday, let us remember that two millennia ago, an infant was born who set the world aflame.

A Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Joe Otto and the Conservative Daily team