Are you serious about change in Washington?

We know our government is broken, not because of our Constitution, but because of the people we have put in charge of it. Not much changed with the recent election. Barack Obama kept the White House, the Democrats kept the Senate, and Republicans kept the House.

But, we can’t have another four years of Obama, Pelosi and Reid going crazy with spending and implementing big government, socialist programs just because no one in Congress will stand up and tell them “no.” We can’t have another four years of the same destructive policies that are likely to only get worse.

That is why we support removing John Boehner as Speaker of the House.

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We need a leader in Washington, someone who will stand up to the radical Democrats. We also need someone who will be helpful in the next mid-term election and further down the road, when we elect Obama’s successor. John Boehner has proven he is not that leader. In fact, he has just been downright wimpy when it has come to challenging President Obama, and now he is targeting fiscal conservatives who are trying to get tough on the budget!

Boehner and other “old school” Republicans are standing in the way of true leadership and a balanced approach to Constitutional Government and outright punishing  conservatives for doing the right thing!

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The final floor vote to re-install Boehner, as Speaker will happen in January, and we only need 16 votes to get him out of power. That is because House rules state that the Speaker of the House receives a majority, which are 218 votes. If just 16 House Republicans refuse to vote for Boehner, he will not win.

It will give us the opportunity to put someone else in as Speaker, someone who will stand up to Obama and fight for fiscal sanity. It could be the fresh start that we need, and that we hoped we would get on November 6th, but didn’t.

Senator Jim DeMint was one of the Tea Party’s biggest allies in Congress, and now that he is leaving, it is more important than ever to get someone in a position of leadership to actually fix Washington and not just coast through on sound bites and platitudes.

We can get that from Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. We are looking for real change, fresh ideas, and strong leadership. John Boehner has not worked out in that regard.

American Majority Action President and CEO, Ned Ryun, says “Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives. Boehner has never won a negation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.”

What a message it would send to Congress if we remove Boehner; it would put every Member on notice that We the People are actually paying attention and very much involved in the future of this country. It will tell the long-time incumbents, especially, that their name recognition and big donors ultimately don’t matter—Americans want, and need, leadership and responsibility.

If Boehner thinks it’s okay to fire somebody because they are “disloyal” or “out of line,” then let’s give him a taste of his own medicine and fire him for being disloyal to the principles of conservatism.

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Tony Adkins

Conservative Daily