The Invasion is Reaching a Tipping Point: Congress MUST Close the Border! Stop Destroying the USA

The Invasion is Reaching a Tipping Point: Congress MUST Close the Border! Stop Destroying the USA

The Invasion is Reaching a Tipping Point: Congress MUST Close the Border! Stop Destroying the USA

🚨 Attention Fellow Patriots! 🚨
Our nation is in crisis as President Biden's incompetence allows our southern border to be overrun. Congress sits idle, prioritizing foreign interests over our national security.
It's time to take a stand! Let's flood Congress with demands to pass H.R.2, the Secure the Border Act, and put America first!
Spread the word, raise your voice, and demand action! Together, we will secure our borders and protect our great nation.
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #AmericaFirst #SecureTheBorder πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


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