SECURE THE ELECTIONS! Act NOW! Congress MUST BAN the Voting Machines Before the 2024 Election!

SECURE THE ELECTIONS! Act NOW! Congress MUST BAN the Voting Machines Before the 2024 Election!

SECURE THE ELECTIONS! Act NOW! Congress MUST BAN the Voting Machines Before the 2024 Election!

We must BAN these damn cheating voting machines and mail-in ballots!
Send your instant Fax Blast today! Demand that your elected officials unequivocally FORBID the use of these cheating voting machines and champion the implementation of hand-counted paper ballots instead! The integrity of our elections is linked to the integrity of our nation! It's a sanctity that must be defended at all costs! Rise, resist, take action — it's not just our right, but our solemn duty as American citizens!
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