The Sound of Freedom & Child-Sex Trafficking: Urge Congress to Attend Sound of Freedom Screening

The Sound of Freedom & Child-Sex Trafficking: Urge Congress to Attend Sound of Freedom Screening

The Sound of Freedom & Child-Sex Trafficking: Urge Congress to Attend Sound of Freedom Screening

The Sound of Freedom (2023) will be available for every member of Congress to view at the capitol on Tuesday, July 25th, 2023. 
Human Trafficking, and especially child sex trafficking, is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time. It is an industry with a prosperous economy and high demand, profiting off what can only be described as the torture of our most precious and innocent human beings. This scourge, as shown and brought to light by the Sound of Freedom, is active in nearly every single part of the world, including and especially the United States. Human trafficking is, and can only be described as, the enslavement of human beings, and God’s children are NOT for sale and are NOT to be enslaved. 
Let’s send a clear message to Congress to demand they pay attention to this crucial issue.


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