McConnell Stabs You in the Back, Agrees to Team Up With Dems

McConnell Stabs You in the Back, Agrees to Team Up With Dems

McConnell Stabs You in the Back, Agrees to Team Up With Dems

They've actually done it. Mitch McConnell admitted that he is not going to repeal Obamacare. Instead of forcing the GOP to honor their oaths, he is going to team up with Democrats to "fix" Obamacare.

This is the ultimate betrayal.

First they said they needed control of the House. Then they told us they needed control of the Senate and the Presidency. Now it is clear that we need to replace every single member of the GOP leadership!

If they won't fulfill this basic promise, they need to be sent packing!

Please, don't let them sabotage this! Send your instantaneous FaxBlast below and DEMAND that Congress hold the line or be replaced!

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